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Category Archives: E-Records

Data broker’s “staggering” sale of sensitive info exposed in unsealed FTC filing

Ars Technica: “One of the world’s largest mobile data brokers, Kochava, has lost its battle to stop the Federal Trade Commission from revealing what the FTC has alleged is a disturbing, widespread pattern of unfair use and sale of sensitive data without consent from hundreds of millions of people. US District Judge B. Lynn Winmill… Continue Reading

Introducing Badger Swarm: New Project Helps Privacy Badger Block Ever More Trackers

EFF: “Today we are introducing Badger Swarm, a new tool for Privacy Badger that runs distributed Badger Sett scans in the cloud. Badger Swarm helps us continue updating and growing Privacy Badger’s tracker knowledge, as well as continue adding new ways of catching trackers. Thanks to continually expanding Badger Swarm-powered training, Privacy Badger comes packed… Continue Reading

Data Brokers and the Sale of Data on U.S. Military Personnel

Data Brokers and the Sale of Data on U.S. Military Personnel Risks to Privacy, Safety, and National Security, By Justin Sherman, Hayley Barton, Aden Klein, Brady Kruse, and Anushka Srinivasan, Duke University, November 2023. “Overview: The data brokerage ecosystem is a multi-billion-dollar industry comprised of companies gathering, inferring, aggregating, and then selling, licensing, and sharing… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 4, 2023

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 4, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on… Continue Reading

News/Media Alliance Study Finds Pervasive Unauthorized Use of Publisher Content to Power Generative AI Technologies

“On October 31, 2023 the News/Media Alliance published a White Paper and a technical analysis and submitted comments to the U.S. Copyright Office on the use of publisher content to power generative artificial intelligence technologies (GAI). Together, the three publications document the pervasive, unauthorized use of publisher content by GAI developers, the impact this may… Continue Reading

Here’s a rare look at Google’s most lucrative search queries

The Verge: “Not all Google searches make Google money. Google often says that it only shows ads on about 20 percent of queries, the ones it calls “commercial queries.” You can probably guess what qualifies. “US president in 1836” is not something you type when you’re about to buy something; neither is “facebook” because all… Continue Reading

People Search Data Brokers, Stalking, and ‘Publicly Available Information’ Carve-Outs

LawFare: “…In the debate about data privacy and harms to Americans, however, one issue has not received adequate attention by the press or in policy conversations relative to the severity and volume of harm: the link between publicly available information and stalking and gendered violence. For decades, “people search” data brokers have compiled profiles on… Continue Reading

LegalHTML: Semantic mark-up of legal acts using web technologies

Armando Stellato, Manuel Fiorelli, LegalHTML: Semantic mark-up of legal acts using web technologies, Computer Law & Security Review, 2023, 105888, ISSN 0267-3649, “We introduce here LegalHTML, an extension of the HTML language thought for representing legal acts. LegalHTML has been conceived in the context of an exploratory study conducted for the Publications Office of… Continue Reading

The Creepy New Digital Afterlife Industry

IEEE Spectrum – These companies could use your data to bring you back—without your consent…As humans, we all have to confront our own mortality. The datafication of our lives means that we now must confront the fact that data about us will very likely outlive our physical selves. The discussion about the digital afterlife thus… Continue Reading