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Top spy official releases principles on intel agency use of info bought from data brokers

Cyberscoop: “The U.S. spy chief on Wednesday published its policies for how intelligence agencies collect and use information from data brokers, but a prominent Hill critic says the guidance doesn’t address a key point about what kind of information it can or can’t obtain. The “Policy Framework for Commercially Available Information,” or CAI, released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), describes the fundamental way the intelligence community will approach such data, when something is sensitive enough to warrant additional protections and more. It follows a flurry of government activity designed to address how feds use information from companies that harvest personal information on people and then sell it. “In keeping with my commitment to share as much as possible about the IC’s activities, we are sharing this framework which provides effective governance for the IC’s handling of CAI while also protecting Americans’ privacy and civil liberties,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said in a statement. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who has been at the forefront of scrutinizing intelligence agency use of data brokers, offered both criticism and praise of the document…”

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