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Category Archives: E-Mail

E-mail Is Making Us Miserable

The New Yorker – E-Mail is Making Us Miserable – by Cal Newport. “…To study the effects of e-mail, a team led by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, hooked up forty office workers to wireless heart-rate monitors for around twelve days. They recorded the subjects’ heart-rate variability, a common technique for measuring mental… Continue Reading

How to use storytelling strategies to get your emails answered

Fast Company: Our brains love stories. When you use storytelling to share information and ideas, they often stand out and are more memorable to the listener. Stories also engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners because they often include graphics, the spoken word, and experiences or feelings. You may think storytelling would come in handy if… Continue Reading

Are all your productivity tools making you feel…unproductive?

Fortune – “Here’s how to manage the deluge…Before COVID-19, the average knowledge worker in the U.S. used 10 apps at least 25 times per workday, according to a study by Asana, which helps teams track and organize their work. Now, with a record number of Americans working from home, the number of apps has ballooned… Continue Reading

Microsoft: Chinese Hackers Have Been Exploiting Our Email Product to Steal Data

Gizmodo: “In the latest in a string of security-related headaches for Microsoft, the company warned customers Tuesday that state sponsored hackers from China have been exploiting flaws in one of its widely used email products, Exchange, in order to target American companies for data theft. In several recently published blog posts, the company listed four… Continue Reading

The importance of technology competence when communicating electronically

Sui Generis – Nicole Black: “I’m sure that by now you’ve already seen the now infamous cat filter court hearing video. If not, Google it and watch it. I’ll wait. Now that you’re back, let’s talk about how you can avoid replicating that unfortunate predicament. The short answer? By maintaining technology competence when using electronic… Continue Reading

How to stop your emails from being tracked

The Verge: “All of those obnoxious marketing emails that crowd your inbox aren’t just pushing a product. They’re also tracking whether you’ve opened the email, when you opened it, and where you were at the time by using software like MailChimp to embed tracking software into the message. How does it work? A single tracking… Continue Reading

Slow Down and Write Better Emails

HBR: “Misunderstandings are rampant in today’s workplaces. While poor communication habits may feel inevitable with colleagues, we should always strive to engage with clarity and empathy, especially as we come to rely more on remote work and digital communication. What is a good first step to improving our habits? Relearning what it means to read… Continue Reading

Jones Day, Goodwin Breach Highlights Need for Vendor Vetting

Bloomberg Law – “An attack on a file-sharing company used by Big Law firms highlights the importance of vetting third-party vendors to better safeguard confidential client data, privacy and cybersecurity professionals say. Both Jones Day and Goodwin Procter were affected in recent weeks by a breach at Accellion, which provides file transfer and other services… Continue Reading

Get a Password Manager Create strong, unique passwords for each account

Consumer Reports – Create strong, unique passwords for each account—and keep them all in a secure place. “Think of a password manager as a secure vault that creates incredibly long, hard-to-crack passwords—a different one for each site or service—and then helps you log in safely and conveniently. To access all those passwords, you enter a… Continue Reading

SolarWinds: How Russian spies hacked the Justice, State, Treasury, Energy and Commerce Departments

60 Minutes: “President Biden inherited a lot of intractable problems, but perhaps none is as disruptive as the cyber war between the United States and Russia simmering largely under the radar. Last March, with the coronavirus spreading uncontrollably across the United States, Russian cyber soldiers released their own contagion by sabotaging a tiny piece of… Continue Reading