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Category Archives: E-Government

The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well‑Being

“The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being emphasizes the connection between the well-being of workers and the health of organizations. It offers a foundation and resources that can be used by workplaces of any size, across any industry. Sustainable change must be driven by committed leaders in continuous collaboration with the valued… Continue Reading

UK AI Safety Institute releases new AI safety evaluations platform

GOV.UK: “Global AI safety evaluations are set to be enhanced as the UK AI Safety Institute’s evaluations platform is made available to the global AI community today (Friday 10 May), paving the way for safe innovation of AI models. After establishing the world’s first state-backed AI Safety Institute, the UK is continuing the drive towards… Continue Reading

10,000 websites, 10 years: Inside US govt behemoth plan to overhaul its online presence

Fast Company: “…According to the White House, as of last September, 45% of federal websites weren’t mobile friendly, 60% had possible accessibility issues, and 80% didn’t use the U.S. Web Design System code, the federal government’s design system meant to create a cohesive look and easy-to-understand user experience. A memo from President Joe Biden’s Office… Continue Reading

Justice Outcomes Explorer

United States Census: “The Justice Outcomes Explorer (JOE) is a Census Bureau experimental data product that measures the economic and health outcomes of people who have been involved with the criminal justice system. Criminal justice involvement can include criminal charges, prison releases, and probation and parole sentences. Outcomes measured include employment, earnings, government program participation,… Continue Reading

National Archives Bans Employee Use of ChatGPT

404 Media: “The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) told employees Wednesday that it is blocking access to ChatGPT on agency-issued laptops to “protect our data from security threats associated with use of ChatGPT,” 404 Media has learned. “NARA will block access to commercial ChatGPT on NARANet [an internal network] and on NARA issued laptops,… Continue Reading

NIST Evaluating Generative AI Technologies

“NIST GenAI is a new evaluation program administered by the NIST Information Technology Laboratory to assess generative AI technologies developed by the research community from around the world. NIST GenAI is an umbrella program that supports various evaluations for research in Generative AI by providing a platform for Test and Evaluation. These evaluations will inform… Continue Reading

NOAA expands availability of new heat forecast tool ahead of summer

“NOAA is expanding the availability of a new experimental heat tool called HeatRisk ahead of the hot summer months. A collaboration with NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HeatRisk provides information and guidance for those who are particularly vulnerable to heat and may need to take extra… Continue Reading

404 page: the error sites of federal agencies

FedScoop: “Infusing a hint of humor or a dash of “whimsy” in government websites, including error messages, could humanize a federal agency to visitors. At least that’s how the National Park Service approaches its digital offerings, including its 404 page. “Even a utilitarian feature, such as a 404 page, can be fun — and potentially… Continue Reading

DOJ Launches Updated Voting Rights and Elections Website

“The Justice Department announced today that it has updated, a one-stop resource providing voting and elections information for voters as well as state and local elections officials. As part of the update, the Civil Rights Division published two new informational guides on voting rights and updated five other guides. The Department’s longstanding practice is… Continue Reading

CENDI modernizes

To include updates on federal open science, public access, and scientific integrity efforts  – “CENDI, a volunteer membership organization of U.S. federal scientific and technical information (STI) managers, recently launched an updated version of its flagship STI federated search product, Key updates include a modernized look and feel, and centralized access to federal agency… Continue Reading