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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Searching Social Media – Googling Facebook, Searching Twitter

 Stosh Jonjak, Part 1, | Part 2 “Have you experienced an increase in social media search requests? As attorneys become more likely to turn to social media during their informal discovery processes, I have found an uptick in questions like: “could you please do a social media background check on this person?” This is a growing information need I believe law librarians… Continue Reading

Chinese agencies announce open-access policies – Nature

“China has officially joined the international push to make research papers free to read. On 15 May, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one of the country’s major basic-science funding agencies, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which funds and conducts research at more than 100 institutions, announced that researchers they support… Continue Reading

Google Public Data Explorer

This Google search tool allows user to query for open data sets from 131 organizations that produce big data, including: Eurostat, Destatis, Statistics Ireland, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Central Statistics Office (Ireland), the World Bank, the OECD, the World Economic Forum, WHO, OMB, and the IMF. Users may compare data sets and create visualizations. “The… Continue Reading

Consumer Expenditure Survey – BLS

“The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) program consists of two surveys, the Quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey, that provide information on the buying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. The survey data are collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census… Continue Reading

Libya: Transition and U.S. Policy – CRS

Libya: Transition and U.S. Policy. Christopher M. Blanchard, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, May 19, 2014. “More than three years after the start of the 2011 anti-Qadhafi uprising in Libya and more than 18months after the September 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities and personnel in Benghazi, Libya’s security situation is dire and the direction of its political transition… Continue Reading

UK CCTV code of practice – revised

“This revised code of practice on CCTV is intended to replace the last revision which was published in 2008.  The aim of this revision is to reflect the developments in existing technologies that have taken place since the last revision, to discuss the emergence of new surveillance technologies and the issues they present, to reflect… Continue Reading

National Foundation for Credit Counseling Survey – Financial Weaknesses Among Military Servicemembers

News release: ” In recognition of Military Appreciation Month, a new financial survey of military personnel was released today. Commissioned by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC®) and sponsored by Pioneer Services, a division of MidCountry Bank, the survey revealed some troubling financial behaviors among servicemembers. Consider the following survey findings: Seventy-seven percent of servicemembers have… Continue Reading

Women in the Labor Force: A BLS Databook

“Women’s participation in labor force activities has greatly expanded since the end of World War II. Immediately following the war, less than one-third of women were in the labor force. However, women soon began to participate in greater numbers, and their labor force participation rose rapidly from the 1960s through the 1980s before slowing in… Continue Reading

The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport

OECD – May 21, 2014: “Outdoor air pollution kills more than 3 million people across the world every year, and causes health problems from asthma to heart disease for many more. This is costing societies very large amounts in terms of the value of lives lost and ill health. Based on extensive new epidemiological evidence… Continue Reading

McKinsey – The seven habits of highly effective digital enterprises

May 2014 | by’Tunde Olanrewaju, Kate Smaje, and Paul Willmott “The age of experimentation with digital is over. In an often bleak landscape of slow economic recovery, digital continues to show healthy growth. E-commerce is growing at double-digit rates in the United States and most European countries, and it is booming across Asia. To take advantage of… Continue Reading

Protecting Consumers Five Years After Credit Card Reform

Center for American Progress,  Joe Valenti | May 22, 2014: “In 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act, or Credit CARD Act. This law ended credit card industry practices in which interest rates could change at any time and in which hidden provisions enabled companies to charge significant fees without justification.… Continue Reading

US Topo Quadrangles — Maps for America

USGS – “US Topo quadrangles are digital topographic maps produced by the National Geospatial Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Created in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format like the legacy paper maps, US Topo maps support frequent updating, wide and fast public distribution, and basic, on-screen geographic analysis. US Topo maps are available for free Web download from the USGS… Continue Reading