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Daily Archives: June 27, 2024

ChatGPT is hallucinating fake links to its news partners’ biggest investigations

NiemanLab, Andrew Deck: “Over the past year, several major news media companies have signed on the dotted line with OpenAI, entering a content licensing partnership with the developer of ChatGPT. Most of those partnership announcements state that as part of the deals, ChatGPT will produce attributed summaries of each media company’s reporting and link to their publications’ websites.On June 13, I reported that despite its deal, ChatGPT is outputting hallucinated links to one such partnered publication, Business Insider. Using details from a leaked letter written by the Business Insider Union’s steward, I confirmed the chatbot is generating fake URLs for some of the outlet’s biggest investigations and directing some users to 404 errors instead of real article pages. Now, my reporting confirms that ChatGPT is hallucinating URLs for at least 10 other publications that are part of OpenAI’s ongoing licensing deals. These publications include The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The Times (UK), Le Monde, El País, The Atlantic, The Verge, Vox, and Politico.In my testing, I repeatedly prompted ChatGPT to link out to these publications’ marquee articles, including Pulitzer Prize-winning stories and years-long investigations. These types of stories are editorial investments that can be both incredibly valuable to a brand’s reputation, and incredibly costly to produce. All together, my tests show that ChatGPT is currently unable to reliably link out to even these most noteworthy stories by partner publications. While the specific language differs, most partnered media companies have explicitly stated that ChatGPT will link out to their websites. “Queries that surface The Atlantic will include attribution and a link to read the full article on,” reads The Atlantic’s licensing deal announcement from last month. “ChatGPT’s answers to user queries will include attribution and links to the full articles for transparency and further information,” reads a similar announcement by Berlin-based publisher Axel Springer from December 2023. OpenAI has also pitched news publishers “priority placement and ‘richer brand expression’ in chat conversations” and “more prominent link treatments” in ChatGPT, according to reporting earlier this year by Adweek on leaked OpenAI slide decks.

Generative AI Resources 2024

Via LLRX – Generative AI Resources 2024 – Referencing an article in this month’s Georgetown Law Technology Review, “…traditional AI algorithms normally operate by carrying out a specific function or completing a task using a data set that contains information on how that function or task has previously been done In other words, traditional AI is… Continue Reading

How to Delete Pictures of Your House From Real Estate Sites

Lifehacker: “There’s no shortage of realty sites out there, and there’s not a huge amount to differentiate them—in the end, they’re all built to facilitate property deals. One of the things they have in common is that they all keep details of properties—including listing photos—online, even years after they are sold, rented, or otherwise taken… Continue Reading

Going plastic-free is nearly impossible. These people are trying anyway.

Washington Post:  The global trend of Plastic Free July offers ideas on how to cut back on plastic use at home. “…According to the Plastic Free Foundation, the nonprofit that Prince-Ruiz founded, 89 million people in 190 countries pledged to reduce their plastic use during July last year. The countries with the most participants are… Continue Reading

Here’s how machine learning can violate your privacy

Via LLRX – Here’s how machine learning can violate your privacy – Jordan Awan, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Purdue University explains how machine learning has pushed the boundaries in several fields, including personalized medicine, self-driving cars and customized advertisements. Research has shown, however, that these systems memorize aspects of the data they were trained with in order… Continue Reading

Try DuckDuckGo’s AI Chat for Private Chats With ChatGPT and More

MakeUseOf: “AI-powered tech is everywhere, but using it often comes with a hidden cost: your privacy. AI tech companies typically collect and store user data, including any personal information you share, to train their AI models and improve output, be that an AI chatbot, image generator, or otherwise. Now, privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo has stepped… Continue Reading

The Internet is Not Forever, So It’s Time to Preserve What You Can

How to Geek: “Key Takeaways Web content is constantly at risk of being lost; users can help preserve it. Physical media and DRM-free backups are essential for long-term access. Focus on preserving personal favorites and cultural artifacts for future generations. There’s a saying that “the internet never forgets” but that’s just wishful thinking. Storing data… Continue Reading

The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing

Georgetown Law Technology Review – Essays – The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing, Nicholas Mignanelli, May 2024. “In recent years, a new figure, the tech bro, has arrived in the legal field. He can be found opining on podcasts and social media platforms, selling… Continue Reading

Generative AI

Georgetown Law Technology Review, Generative Law, Sadie O’Connor, May 2024. “Generative artificial intelligence (“GAI”) is AI that is capable of creating various forms of new content (audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos). With AI becoming increasingly present in today’s world and rapidly growing in capability, its advantages, disadvantages, and potential uses have become a… Continue Reading