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Daily Archives: November 28, 2023

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project

“The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects information on the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events around the world. The ACLED team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test conflict scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public. ACLED was created by Clionadh Raleigh, a Professor of Political Violence and Geography at the University of Sussex, in 2005 as a component of her PhD work. Since 2014, ACLED has operated as a non-profit, non-governmental organization incorporated in Wisconsin. In 2022, ACLED expanded coverage to the entire world, collecting data in real time and publishing weekly updates…

All data are updated at the start of every week, through the most recent Friday. Data for Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America & the Caribbean are updated on Mondays, and data for the Asia-Pacific, Europe & Central Asia, and the United States & Canada are updated on Tuesdays. Please note that years of historical coverage vary across countries and regions. A full list of country and time period coverage is available here.”

Study – Internet use does not appear to harm mental health [read free]: “A study of more than 2mn people’s internet use found no “smoking gun” for widespread harm to mental health from online activities such as browsing social media and gaming, despite widely claimed concerns that mobile apps can cause depression and anxiety. Researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, who said their study was… Continue Reading

Using FOIA Libraries to Your Advantage

Via LLRX – Using FOIA Libraries to Your Advantage – This presentation by Lisa DeLuca, Assistant Dean/Associate Professor Seton Hall University Libraries, South Orange, NJ is an actionable resource for training colleagues and other professionals on how to locate FOIA documents as well as to navigate and effectively execute Freedom of Information Act requests. Continue Reading

Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: “Together, the Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice create a comprehensive picture of US consumers’ payment preferences and behavior. The Survey and Diary fills a gap in knowledge about the role of consumers in the transformation of payments from paper to electronic. Payments data is collected in the context… Continue Reading

2023 Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey

“Deloitte’s 2023 Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey reveals that procurement teams are now being called upon to address a broader range of enterprise priorities. These range from driving operational efficiency (74% of respondents) and enhancing corporate social responsibility (72%) to improving margins via cost reduction (71%). To meet these rising expectations, many procurement teams are… Continue Reading

US 5th Circuit Court seeks regulation on lawyers’ AI use in legal filings

Coin Telegraph: “The suggested regulation would apply to attorneys and litigants without legal representation appearing before the court, obliging them to confirm that filings produced with the help of AI were assessed for precision. A federal appeals court in New Orleans is considering a proposal that would mandate lawyers to confirm whether they utilized artificial… Continue Reading

All Things AI Law Librarian-ish, Generative AI, and Legal Research/Education/Technology

Via LLRX – All Things AI Law Librarian-ish, Generative AI, and Legal Research/Education/Technology – Is better case law data fueling a legal research boom? Recently, Rebecca Fordon noticed a surge of new and innovative legal research tools. Fordon wondered what could be fueling this increase, and set off to find out more. Continue Reading

Lost Women of Science

“Lost Women of Science tells the remarkable stories of groundbreaking women who never got the full recognition they deserved – until now. The Lost Women of Science Initiative is a non-profit educational organization with the overarching goal of inspiring girls and young women — especially those from communities chronically underrepresented in the STEM professions —… Continue Reading