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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Make ChatGPT Work for You With These Browser Extensions

Wired: Make ChatGPT Work for You With These Browser Extensions: “Whether you’re using ChatGPT for free or paying for ChatGPT Plus ($20 a month), the impressiveness of its text-generating capabilities aren’t really matched by its interface, which sticks largely to the basics. That’s where third-party browser extensions come in: They can help you get easier… Continue Reading

Anthropic launches Claude, a chatbot to rival OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Tech Crunch: “Anthropic, a startup co-founded by ex-OpenAI employees, today launched something of a rival to the viral sensation ChatGPT. Called Claude, Anthropic’s AI — a chatbot — can be instructed to perform a range of tasks, including searching across documents, summarizing, writing and coding, and answering questions about particular topics. In these ways, it’s… Continue Reading

These Interactive Tools Reveal Your Home’s Future Flood, Heat, and Wind Risk

Lifehacker: “Floods are the most expensive natural disaster in the United States, costing over $1 trillion since 1980 (when you take inflation into account), according to Flood Defenders. And while many people use FEMA flood maps to check whether their home has a high flood risk, they are outdated by a decade, according to Scientific… Continue Reading

How AI could write our laws

MIT Technology News: “Nearly 90% of the multibillion-dollar federal lobbying apparatus in the United States serves corporate interests. In some cases, the objective of that money is obvious. Google pours millions into lobbying on bills related to antitrust regulation. Big energy companies expect action whenever there is a move to end drilling leases for federal… Continue Reading

Hate crimes in U.S. rose to highest level in 2021, FBI says

Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer: “Hate Crime data for the nation are derived from National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and Summary Reporting System (SRS) reports voluntarily submitted to the FBI. The 2021 FBI Hate Crime statistics for the nation are based on data received from 11,883 of 18,812 law enforcement agencies in the… Continue Reading

Why Are We Letting the AI Crisis Just Happen?

The Atlantic: “New AI systems such as ChatGPT, the overhauled Microsoft Bing search engine, and the reportedly soon-to-arrive GPT-4 have utterly captured the public imagination. ChatGPT is the fastest-growing online application, ever, and it’s no wonder why. Type in some text, and instead of getting back web links, you get well-formed, conversational responses on whatever… Continue Reading

Funding news: How Gen Z and Millennials pay for or donate to news

American Press Institute: “As the economics of journalism continue to evolve, a defining question about the future is whether the news media can create content that consumers are willing to pay for or donate to directly. Central to answering that question is understanding the behavior of what many publishers call the next generation of news… Continue Reading

Coral Reefs and Climate Change: A Legal Solution to Preserving Global Ecosystems

ABA: “Coral reefs are dying at a rapid pace. In fact, half of the world’s corals are gone.  The death of these biologically diverse underwater structures will result in job loss, the destruction of crucial ecosystems, and limited food supply to over half a billion people worldwide.  Despite the essential benefits coral reefs bring, reefs… Continue Reading

The Artificial Intelligence Glossary – The Artificial Intelligence Glossary  – “A guide to the key terms you need to know and understand when discussing AI. Artificial intelligence is dominating conversations across all industries, including legal. To help legal professionals navigate this fast evolving space, below, we define many of the key terms and concepts relating to AI. This… Continue Reading

OpenCorporates OpenRefine service

Open Refine Reconciliation API: version 0.4.8 – Introduction – The Open Refine Reconciliation API allows OpenRefine users to match company names to legal corporate entities. This is especially useful when you have an existing spreadsheet or dataset featuring lots of companies. Matching (or reconciling) to legal entities allows you to get more information about the… Continue Reading