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Monthly Archives: April 2021

NOAA report highlights 2020 climate, weather, ocean research

“Launching uncrewed systems to monitor climate and ecosystem changes in the U.S. Arctic, sequencing the genome for endangered marine species, and improving weather forecasts with advances in regional models — these are just a few of NOAA’s scientific achievements in 2020. The newly released 2020 NOAA Science Report highlights the ways these accomplishments — and many… Continue Reading

Can You Trust LinkedIn With Your Personal Data?

MakeUseOf: “LinkedIn is still the most trusted social platform according to the 2020 Digital Trust Report. It has consistently ranked number 1, ahead of other social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, for years. According to many consumers, the platform for the world’s business community is the one people are most confident in storing their private data securely.… Continue Reading

How Do We Exit the Post-Truth Era?

The Walrus – Why fact-checking alone won’t save us from fake news: “…False content online has only multiplied over the years. But the fake news designation has also been used to serve all kinds of purposes—including, increasingly, to disparage real news reporters—so most experts now avoid the term. Instead, researchers usually talk about disinformation, which… Continue Reading

6 Little Known Places to Download Unique Free Ebooks

MakeUseOf – “The internet has many places to download free ebooks, but only a few get attention. Broaden your scope and you’ll find some great downloads at these little-known places… The University of Pennsylvania has put together a comprehensive listing of free ebooks available at different sources on the internet. Not only that, it categorized… Continue Reading

Amid a Series of Mass Shootings in the U.S., Gun Policy Remains Deeply Divisive

“In an era marked by deep divisions between Republicans and Democrats, few issues are as politically polarizing as gun policy. While a few specific policy proposals continue to garner bipartisan support, the partisan divisions on other proposals – and even on whether gun violence is a serious national problem – have grown wider over the… Continue Reading

Stuck in the Suez Canal – What are the Legal Implications?

In Custodia Legis – Stuck in the Suez Canal – What are the Legal Implications? – “The following is a joint guest post by Elizabeth Boomer, an international law consultant, and George Sadek, a foreign law specialist, from the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. On March 29, 2021, the engineers of the Suez… Continue Reading

ABA legal education section releases employment data for graduating law class of 2020

“Employment data for the graduating law class of 2020 as reported by American Bar Association-approved law schools to the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar is now publicly available. An online table provides select national outcomes and side-by-side comparisons for the classes of 2019 and 2020. Further reports on employment outcomes, including links… Continue Reading

King Cotton, the Munificent Slavery and (Under)development in the United States, 1789-1865

King Cotton, the Munificent Slavery and (Under)development in the United States, 1789-1865. Joseph A. Francis. Working Paper. April 2021. “Slavery made an important contribution to the development of the United States up to the Civil War. Slaves were were necessary for the country’s cotton boom because cotton was not sufficiently remunerative to attract yeoman farmers.… Continue Reading

Paper – Antisemitic Attitudes Across the Ideological Spectrum

Antisemitic Attitudes Across the Ideological Spectrum. Eitan Hersh and Laura Royden, April 9, 2021. “Concern about antisemitism in the U.S. has grown following recent rises in deadly assaults, vandalism, and harassment. Public accounts of antisemitism have focused on both the ideological right and left. However, there is little quantitative research evaluating left-wing versus right-wing antisemitism.… Continue Reading

UMass Institute Launches New Tool to Track Air Pollution at Every U.S. School

“Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) today unveiled a new interactive, web-based tool for tracking industrial toxic air pollution at every school in the United States. The tool, Air Toxics at School, reports toxicity-weighted concentrations of pollutants to show individual chronic human health risk from industrial toxic air pollutants… Continue Reading

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Characterizations of the Press: An Empirical Study

Andersen Jones, RonNell and West, Sonja, The U.S. Supreme Court’s Characterizations of the Press: An Empirical Study (February 17, 2021). University of Georgia School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Forthcoming, University of Utah College of Law Research Paper No. 419, Available at SSRN: or “The erosion of constitutional norms in the United… Continue Reading