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Monthly Archives: February 2021

Best password managers in 2021

ZDNET – “Everyone needs a password manager. Period, full stop. It’s the only possible way to maintain unique, hard-to-guess credentials for every secure site you, your family members, and your team access daily. The five programs listed in this guide are all well-supported commercial programs. Although some offer a limited free plan, our evaluation is… Continue Reading

Emerging Roles for Libraries in Bibliometric and Research Impact Analysis

Hanging Together – the OCLC Research Blog: Lessons Learned from the University of Waterloo – “Library support for bibliometrics and research impact (BRI) analysis is a growing area of library investment and service. Not just in the provision of services to researchers, but for the institutions themselves, which increasingly need to quantify research impact for… Continue Reading

8 Ways to Read the Books You Wish You Had Time For

HBR: “…A University of California report shows we’re consuming more information now than we ever have before — more than 100,000 words per day. Think about how many texts and alerts and notifications and work emails and personal emails and news headlines and fly-by tickers and blog feeds and Twitter spews and Instagram comments you’re… Continue Reading

How to master the vaccine-appointment website: A guide for everyone

Washington Post – Five strategies to increase the chances of getting a free shot for yourself or someone you care about – “Scheduling coronavirus vaccine shots online is causing panic for eligible Americans and the children and grandchildren helping them. That includes me and my parents, hunting for scraps of information on supply and pressing… Continue Reading

SolarWinds: How Russian spies hacked the Justice, State, Treasury, Energy and Commerce Departments

60 Minutes: “President Biden inherited a lot of intractable problems, but perhaps none is as disruptive as the cyber war between the United States and Russia simmering largely under the radar. Last March, with the coronavirus spreading uncontrollably across the United States, Russian cyber soldiers released their own contagion by sabotaging a tiny piece of… Continue Reading

Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Mitigation

CDC- Schools and Child Care Programs​ – Plan, Prepare, and Respond – “As communities plan safe delivery of in-person instruction in K-12 schools, it is essential to decide when and under what conditions to help protect students, teachers, and staff and slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It is critical for… Continue Reading

Web Archiving services at the National Archives

Notes from a Webinar – by Clare Brown: Webinar: “Web archiving services at the National Archives” (Wednesday 3 February 2021) Speaker: Tom Storrar – Web Archiving Service Owner at The National Archives; Chair: Fiona Laing (currently Chair of SCOOP – Standing Committee on Official Publication). “Do you remember when we used to pay educational visits… Continue Reading

The Law Professor Pipeline

Markovic, Milan, The Law Professor Pipeline (June 22, 2020). Temple Law Review, Vol. 92, 2020, Texas A&M University School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper 20-14, Available at SSRN: “Throughout U.S. legal education’s history, a small number of elite law schools have produced the vast majority of law professors. Although law professor hiring is… Continue Reading

NYT Op – Lawyers Enabled Trump’s Worst Abuses

The New York Times Opinion By Sherrilyn A. Ifill – Ms. Ifill is a lawyer and author. She is president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc., a civil rights legal organization. “The legal profession must reckon with its complicity in Trump’s attack on democracy. Every day, we learn more about… Continue Reading

Same Energy Beta Visual Search Engine

Same Energy is a visual search engine. “You can use it to find beautiful art, photography, decoration ideas, or anything else. We believe that image search should be visual, using only a minimum of words. And we believe it should integrate a rich visual understanding, capturing the artistic style and overall mood of an image,… Continue Reading