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Daily Archives: January 25, 2018

Data-Driven Navigator on Gun Laws

Global Investigative Journalism Network: How They Did It: Developing a Data-Driven Navigator on Gun Laws “Last August, Everytown for Gun Safety, a non-profit research and advocacy group for gun control, launched the Gun Law Navigator, an exploratory data visualization tool explaining how states in America regulate guns. The project, developed by the Boston-based creative digital studio Upstatement, received lots of attention not only for examining such a sensitive topic, but also for successfully telling a visual, data-driven story about a complex subject: legislation. Storybench recently spoke to freelance designer and developer Andrew Garcia Philips and Upstatement’s Tito Bottitta and James Muspratt about what it takes to work with and visualize such a complex dataset…”

National Institute of Building Sciences Issues New Report on the Value of Mitigation

“Today, the National Institute of Building Sciences issued Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2017 Interim Report, more than a decade after releasing its original report on the same topic and only days after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared 2017 the costliest year on record for weather and climate disasters. As NOAA exemplified (16 events in… Continue Reading

HBR How the Data That Internet Companies Collect Can Be Used for the Public Good

Harvard Business Review: “A new year has arrived, along with the usual air of optimism. Yet the 21st century is already shaping up to be a challenging one. From climate change to terrorism, the difficulties confronting policy makers are unprecedented in their variety, but also in their complexity. Our existing policy tool kit seems stale… Continue Reading

Discover 20,771,524 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the US

Via @DPLA – “We are pleased to announce that the beta for our all-new website is now available for you to explore! The new site is more user-centered than ever before with more content for our “Pro” communities coming soon! Check it out: Look for both new and familiar features on our all-new beta… Continue Reading

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation – independent global health research center

“The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. The Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) is a data catalog created and supported by IHME. The GHDx directly supports IHME’s mission to improve the health of the world’s populations by providing the best information on… Continue Reading

PDF Forensic Analysis and XMP Metadata Streams

Arman Gungor – Meridian Discovery – Link to complete posting: “Portable Document Format (PDF) forensic analysis is a type of request we encounter often in our computer forensics practice. The requests usually entail PDF forgery analysis or intellectual property related investigations. In virtually all cases, I have found that the PDF metadata contained in metadata… Continue Reading

Oxfam – The State of Inequality in the World

“Our new report about the state of inequality in the world reveals how our economy is delivering unimaginable rewards for those at the top by exploiting millions of ordinary workers at the bottom…Last year saw the biggest increase in billionaires in history, one more every two days. This huge increase could have ended global extreme… Continue Reading

Paper – Stewardship in the “Age of Algorithms”

Stewardship in the “Age of Algorithms” by Clifford Lynch, First Monday, 4 December 2017. DOI: “This paper explores pragmatic approaches that might be employed to document the behavior of large, complex socio-technical systems (often today shorthanded as “algorithms”) that centrally involve some mixture of personalization, opaque rules, and machine learning components. Thinking rooted in… Continue Reading