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Monthly Archives: December 2017

Convenience and Compliance: Case Studies on Persistent Identifiers in European Research Information Management

“This report provides university and research library leaders with useful insights on emerging practices and infrastructures in European research information management (RIM), on the current and future role of persistent person and organization identifiers, and, more specifically, on incentives and barriers to adoption in three different national settings—Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands—in order to better… Continue Reading

Commuting Times, Median Rents and Language other than English Use in the Home on the Rise

New American Community Survey Statistics Provide Local Data for Every Community Nationwide – “The nation experienced an increase in commuting time, median gross rent and a rise in English proficiency among those who spoke another language. These are only a few of the statistics released today from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012-2016 American Community Survey… Continue Reading

Tim Berners-Lee – future of the web is dimming

theguardian uk: “Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s optimism about the future of the web is starting to wane in the face of a “nasty storm” of issues including the rollback of net neutrality protections, the proliferation of fake news, propaganda and the web’s increasing polarisation. The inventor of the world wide web always maintained his creation was… Continue Reading

Stark Partisan Divisions Over Russia Probe, Including Its Importance to the Nation

“A majority of Americans say they think senior members of Donald Trump’s administration definitely or probably had improper contacts with Russia during last year’s presidential campaign. And most are at least somewhat confident that special counsel Robert Mueller will conduct a fair investigation into the matter. Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided in views of… Continue Reading

Group of legal tech experts discuss whether email is broken

Is Email Broken? Law Technology Today November 30, 2017 – “Ways to communicate now with clients and collegues have grown tremendously since the days of just using the telephone, faxing a letter and even Emailing. If Email no longer gets the job done, what are our alternatives? Our Panelists Dennis Kennedy (DK), Steve Embry (SE), William Goren (WG),… Continue Reading

Legal Keyboard Mini Version Reviewed

Robert Ambrogi – LawSites: “Remember the LegalBoard, a keyboard designed specifically for lawyers? Now there is a mini version designed to be portable — and that has the added advantage of working with Macs, which the LegalBoard does not. I first wrote about the LegalBoard last January, and later followed that post with a hands-on… Continue Reading

Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation

Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation, Alex Bell, Harvard University, Raj Chetty, Stanford University and NBER, Xavier Jaravel, London School of Economics, Neviana Petkova, Office of Tax Analysis, US Treasury, John Van Reenen, MIT and Centre for Economic Performance. December 2017. “We characterize the factors that determine who becomes… Continue Reading

BuzzFeed Analysis – Government Data On 20 Years Of Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims

“BuzzFeed News received a trove of data on every sexual harassment claim filed between fiscal years 1995 and 2016 with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency that enforces laws meant to protect workers from discrimination. The more than 170,000 claims, which didn’t include identifying details, represent just a sliver of the countless… Continue Reading

Annual Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings 2017

“The annual Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings are produced by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte. The 2017 rankings include the views of more than 498,000 civil servants from 200 federal organizations on a wide range of workplace topics. Since the first rankings were released in 2003, they… Continue Reading