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Monthly Archives: January 2016

Lawyering with Challenges: Disability and Empowerment

Lawyering with Challenges: Disability and Empowerment By Stuart Pixley – “Stuart Pixley is a Senior Attorney with Microsoft in Redmond, Washington, working on patent licensing matters. Active in bringing disability to the legal diversity movement, Mr. Pixley is President of the recently founded National Association of Attorneys with Disabilities and is a Commissioner for the… Continue Reading

First 2012 Economic Census Subject Series Reports for Three Sectors

“The Census Bureau today released the first three reports from its 2012 Economic Census Subject Series on establishment and firm size. These reports also represent the first Subject Series reports for three sectors. These reports present national data at the two through seven-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) level for both establishments and firms. They contain statistics on receipts/revenue/sales,… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Drug Compounding for Animals, Troubled Asset Relief Program

Drug Compounding for Animals: FDA Could Improve Oversight with Better Information and Guidance [Reissued on January 8, 2016, GAO-15-671: Published: Sep 28, 2015. Publicly Released: Sep 28, 2015: ” Drugs compounded for animals offer certain medical benefits but also pose risks of causing harm or being ineffective. Specifically, drugs compounded for animals can serve as… Continue Reading

Drug Overdose Deaths by State, US 2013 and 2014

CDC – “CDC analyzed recent multiple cause-of-death mortality data from the National Vital Statistics System to track current trends and shifting characteristics of drug overdose deaths. Opioids—primarily prescription pain relievers and heroin—are the main driver of overdose deaths. Opioids were involved in 28,647 deaths in 2014 and opioid overdoses have quadrupled since 2000. Significant increases… Continue Reading

CEO Pay in Canada

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Hugh Mackenzie: “This report looks at the 2008-2014 compensation levels for Canada’s highest paid 100 CEOs and finds that the average pay of Canada’s top executives has been extraordinarily resilient, in good times and in bad. The review finds that the country’s top 100 CEOs pocketed, on average, $8.96… Continue Reading

LiberGov Search – US Govt Reports, Documents, News, & Social Media

Via James R. Jacobs – “There have been several new subscription databases popping up in the last couple of years which scrape freely available public domain govt information (inc Congressional member & committee sites, members’ social media, news etc) index it and then sell (IMHO exorbitant) subscriptions to libraries and others.  [James R. Jacobs] created… Continue Reading

Pew – Parents, Teens and Digital Monitoring

“The widespread adoption of various digital technologies by today’s teenagers has added a modern wrinkle to a universal challenge of parenthood – specifically, striking a balance between allowing independent exploration and providing an appropriate level of parental oversight. Digital connectivity offers many potential benefits from connecting with peers to accessing educational content. But parents have… Continue Reading

Using Data to Improve Defense Acquisitions: Background, Analysis, and Questions for Congress

CRS – Using Data to Improve Defense Acquisitions: Background, Analysis, and Questions for Congress. Moshe Schwartz, Specialist in Defense Acquisition. January 5, 2016. “Many analysts believe that data analysis is a critical element in making smart, informed, policy decisions and in managing government programs. Without data, there may not be an appropriate basis for making… Continue Reading

The Animal Welfare Act: Background and Selected Animal Welfare Legislation

CRS – The Animal Welfare Act: Background and Selected Animal Welfare Legislation, Tadlock Cowan, Analyst in Natural Resources and Rural Development. January 5, 2016. “In 1966, Congress passed the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (P.L. 89-54) to prevent pets from being stolen for sale to research laboratories, and to regulate the humane care and handling of… Continue Reading

National Instant Crime Background Check System

The FBI maintains statistical reports on firearm background checks via the National Instant Crime Background Check System.  These statistics do no represent every weapon purchased in the United States during each respective year as referenced. The reports do show a steady and significant rise in the number of weapons purchased – in 2015 the number… Continue Reading