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Monthly Archives: January 2016

Building Energy Performance Metrics

Building Energy Performance Metrics, Supporting Energy Efficiency Progress in Major Economie – November 2015 – “This International Energy Agency (IEA) and International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) report supports energy efficiency in major economies by providing the metrics data needed to gauge progress and identify opportunities for improvement in building energy performance. The focus… Continue Reading

Groups seeking restoration of habitat for monarch butterflies pursue lawsuit

News release: “Two environmental groups are threatening legal action against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the agency’s failure to determine the federal protection status of monarch butterflies. “We can’t force them to protect monarchs but we can force them to make a decision,” said Tierra Curry, a senior scientist at the Center for… Continue Reading

No Longer a Neutral Magistrate: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in the Wake of the War on Terror

Mondale, Walter F. and Stein, Robert A. and Fisher, Caitlinrose, No Longer a Neutral Magistrate: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in the Wake of the War on Terror (January 1, 2016). Minnesota Law Review, Forthcoming. Available for download at SSRN: Since the founding of our nation, the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government… Continue Reading

Fear and Loathing across Party Lines: New Evidence on Group Polarization

Fear and Loathing across Party Lines: New Evidence on Group Polarization. Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University; Sean J. Westwood, Princeton University. American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 59, No. 3, July 2015, Pp. 690–707 “When defined in terms of social identity and affect toward copartisans and opposing partisans, the polarization of the American electorate has dramatically… Continue Reading

Fin (Legal) Tech – Law’s Future from Finance’s Past

Fin (Legal) Tech – Law’s Future from Finance’s Past – Professors Daniel Martin Katz & Michael J. Bommarito II – “In today’s analogy du jour – we explore a variety of innovations in the financial technology space (i.e. fintech) and how they map to the current and future legal technology space.” Continue Reading

Audubon’s Birds and Climate Change Report

“The National Audubon Society has completed a continental analysis of how North America’s birds may respond to future climate change – Audubon’s Birds and Climate Change Report – Using extensive citizen science data and detailed climate layers, we developed models that characterize the relationship between the distribution of each species and climate. Then, we used… Continue Reading

Shifts and Ladders: Comparing the Role of Internal and External Mobility in Executive Careers

Shifts and Ladders: Comparing the Role of Internal and External Mobility in Executive Careers – Matthew Bidwell, Ethan Mollick. June 2015. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 10/2015; 2014(1):10178-10178. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.92 “Employees can build their careers either by moving into a new job within their current organization or else by moving to a different organization. We… Continue Reading

OCLC agreement with leading publishers worldwide expands metadata access

“OCLC has signed agreements with leading publishers to add metadata for books, e-books, journals, databases and other materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery Services. “OCLC partners with leading content providers around the world to ensure discovery and access to libraries’ most important and popular resources,” said Suzanne Kemperman, OCLC Director, Business… Continue Reading

US Complaint Against Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations

“The Department of Justice, on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), [on January 4, 2016] filed a civil complaint in federal court in Detroit, Michigan, against Volkswagen AG, Audi AG, Volkswagen Group of America Inc., Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations LLC, Porsche AG and Porsche Cars North America Inc. (collectively referred to as… Continue Reading