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Twitter Becomes X – TikTok Talks Text and E-commerce

TikTok Newsroom: “At TikTok, we’re always looking to empower our creators and community with innovative tools that inspire self expression. Today we’re thrilled to announce the expansion of text posts on TikTok, a new format for creating text-based content that broadens options for creators to share their ideas and express their creativity. With text posts, we’re expanding the boundaries of content creation for everyone on TikTok, giving the written creativity we’ve seen in comments, captions, and videos a dedicated space to shine.”

  • And via Fortune’s Data Sheet: “Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports [see free link via MSN] that TikTok will early next month launch an e-commerce platform in the U.S., somewhat awkwardly called the TikTok Shop Shopping Center—say that 10 times fast. It’s specifically designed as a way for Chinese manufacturers and merchants to sell into the U.S. and, as the Journal notes, this is a direct challenge to Amazon and its “Sold by Amazon” program.”
  • And via Tech Crunch – Twitter changes its official handle to @X

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