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White House Website States Executive Office of President Not Subject to FOIA

Follow up to previous posting on Presidential Records Act Violations, FOIA within the EOP: “The Office of Administration [OA], whose sole function is to advise and assist the President, and which has no substantial independent authority, is not subject to FOIA and related authorities. OA is a distinct entity from the other components of the EOP. Please contact the separate EOP entities, that are subject to FOIA, individually, if you would like to make a FOIA request for their records.
The EOP entities subject to the FOIA are:
Council on Environmental Quality
Office of Management and Budget
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of the United States Trade Representative

The EOP entities exempt from the provisions of the FOIA are:
White House Office
Office of Administration
Office of the Vice President
Council of Economic Advisers
National Security Council
Office of Policy Development

Domestic Policy Council
Office of National AIDS Policy
National Economic Council

President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board”

  • Soft Crimes Against Democracy: What ever happend to Freedom of Information? by Ruth Rosen
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