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White House Fact Sheet on Strategy for American Innovation: Securing Our Economic Growth

“America’s future economic growth and international competitiveness depend on our capacity to innovate. We can create the jobs and industries of the future by doing what America does best – investing in the creativity and imagination of our people. To win the future, we must out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world. We also must take responsibility for our deficit, by investing in what makes America stronger, cutting what doesn’t, and reforming how our government operates so it focuses on promoting our economic growth and preparing for the challenges of a new century. President Obama’s Strategy for American Innovation seeks to harness the inherent ingenuity of the American people to ensure that our economic growth is rapid, broad-based, and sustained. Innovation-based economic growth will bring greater income, higher quality jobs, and improved health and quality of life to all U.S. citizens. The Strategy for American Innovation provides a multifaceted, commonsense, and sustained approach to ensuring America’s future prosperity.”

  • Executive Summary | Introduction | Invest in Building Blocks | Market-Based Innovation | Catalyze Breakthroughs | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C
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