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White House Directive: Identifying Low-Priority Agency Programs

OMB, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, June 8, 2010: “The American people deserve a government that spends every taxpayer dollar with as much care as taxpayers spend their own dollars—where money is spent not out of inertia, but only when it contributes to achieving a clear national priority. That is why we are asking all agencies to take a hard look at their spending and identify those programs that are least critical to advancing their agency missions. Since taking office, the Administration has made a priority of identifying and cutting unnecessary and wasteful spending, proposing approximately $20 billion of terminations, reductions, and savings both for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 and 2011. While recent administrations have seen between 15 to 20 percent of their proposed discretionary cuts approved by Congress, we worked with Congress to enact 60 percent of proposed discretionary cuts for FY 2010. But we must do more….The bottom line is that we do not have the luxury of simply spending more; we must continually review all spending to make certain every dollar addresses a clear need or problem. We can no longer afford the old way of doing business here in Washington. As described below, the President is asking for a renewed effort to go through your budget line by line with a critical eye to target programs that are not the best use of taxpayer dollars.”

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