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USDA: Reaching Those In Need – State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation Rates in 2008

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Studies, Participation Rates (State): Reaching Those In Need: State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation Rates in 2008 – December 2010

  • “SNAP provides an important support for the “working poor” people who are eligible for SNAP benefits and live in households in which someone earns income from a job. Thirty-three million people received benefits in an average month in 2009. Thirteen million—almost 40 percent—lived in households that had income from earnings, up from 30 percent of all participants in 1996, the year in which more emphasis was placed on work for public assistance recipients through the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.”
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