“This project is an ongoing commitment by Universal McCann to measure consumer usage, attitudes and interests in adopting social media platforms and is the largest exploration of its kind. It aims to provide the facts behind the hype…This report (Wave 3) surveyed 17,000 internet users in 29 countries and was completed in March 2008.
Power to the people, Social Media Tracker, Wave 3.0, March 2008 – Wave 3 Highlights:
- Social media is a global phenomenon happening in all markets regardless of wider economic, social and cultural development. If you are online you are using social media
- Asian markets are leading in terms of participation, creating more content than any other region
- All social media platforms have grown significantly over the three Waves
- Video Clips are the quickest growing platform, up from 31% penetration in Wave 1 to 83% in Wave 3
- 57% have joined a Social Network, making it the number one platform for creating and sharing content
- 55% of users have uploaded photos
- 22% of users have uploaded videos
- Blogs are a mainstream media world-wide and as a collective rival any traditional media
- 73% have read a blog
- The blogsphere is becoming increasingly participatory, now 184m bloggers world-wide
- China has the largest blogging community in the world with 42m bloggers, more than the US and Western Europe combined.”
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