White House Open Government Initiative – Designing for Democracy: “…the White House Open Government Initiative and the General Services Administration, working closely with the Office of Management and Budgets Office of Performance and Personnel Management, [launched] a public consultation (through January 21, 2011) to obtain input on a design concept for a government-wide software tool and process to elicit expert public participation. In addition to making government more open and accountable to the public, this also advances the Administrations objective of strengthening problem-solving networks to improve outcomes and reduce costs, one of three key performance management strategies laid out in the Presidents FY2011 budget. To be clear, there is currently no specific funding identified for building this platform. Rather, we anticipate adapting already available tools and know-how to achieve the goal of getting better expertise faster and more openly. The proposed concept is intended to be complementary to two of the ways the Federal government currently obtains expertise to inform decision-making, namely by convening Federal Advisory Committees and announcing public comment opportunities in the Federal Register.”
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