Washington Post: “…Amid all the chaos in the White House — including West Wing personnel drama, the Stormy Daniels scandal and Mueller’s Russia investigation, some wayward spellings and inaccurate honorifics might seem minor. But the constant small mistakes — which have dogged the Trump White House since the president’s official Inauguration Day poster boasted that “no challenge is to great” — have become, critics say, symbolic of the larger problems with Trump’s management style, in particular his lack of attention to detail and the carelessness with which he makes policy decisions. On Monday, for example, the White House rolled out an executive order from Trump aimed at cutting off U.S. investment in Venezuela’s digital currency as a way to pinch strongman Nicolás Maduro’s regime. But in the headline on the public news release, the White House wrote that Trump was taking action to “address the situation in America.” “Freudian slip????” wondered Rosiland Jordan, a reporter for Al Jazeera…”
“It echoes a political quote I tell people a lot from [Ralph Waldo] Emerson: The institution is lengthened by the shadow of one man,” said Rick Wilson, a Republican political consultant who has been highly critical of Trump. “The sloppiness and the looseness and the chaos and lack of rigor across all areas of Trump world reflects Trump. They do not care. They don’t give a damn. But everybody needs an editor…” [Note – just as good editors need an editor – librarians can always rely on librarians to spot inaccuracies and ensure we are all communicating effectively, reliably and – accurately.]
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