“TRAC’s Immigration website now contains detailed performance information about most of the 200-plus immigration judges in the United States. Included are year-by-year percentages of asylum matters denied by each judge, comparisons in denial rates with other judges in the same immigration court as well as with all judges in the U.S., and information about the nationality of the asylum applications on which that judge ruled. Also included are biographical sketches for all judges — provided to TRAC by the Immigration Court and never before published in one place — covering such matters as college and law school attended and principal places of employment before becoming a judge. Start at
http://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/judgereports and select a judge either by name or by the city in which the judge delivered the greatest number of his or her asylum decisions.” [David Burnham and Susan B. Long, co-directors, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse]
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