Outside Magazine: “It hasn’t been this dangerous to ride a bicycle on American roads in three decades. And in the face of our greater public-health crisis, more people than ever are riding bikes to avoid public transportation and to safely exercise outside. That means that as restrictions lift and cars begin returning to our roads at pre-pandemic levels, even more cyclists will die. This year, Outside is tracking every cycling traffic fatality. Read more about why we’ve embarked on the #2020cyclingdeaths project…”
See also The National Academies – “Cyclists and noncyclists have a wide range of perceptions of on-street bicycling facility designs — including sharrows, bike lanes, and buffered bike lanes — along a variety of roadway types, with and without curbside automobile parking. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s NCHRP Research Report 941: Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle Trips: provides insights from communities where on-road cycling for transportation is less common, particularly in the Southeast U.S. The report is accompanied by a poster presentation and a set of presentation slides that summarize the project…”
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