“On 27 February 2014, the Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE International) released the 4th edition of the GLOBE Climate Legislation Study – produced in partnership with the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. The Study is the most comprehensive audit of climate legislation across 66 countries, together responsible for around 88% of global manmade greenhouse gas emissions. The new study (4th edition) was formally launched at the 2nd GLOBE Climate Legislation Summit held at the Senate of the United States of America and at the World Bank, Washington D.C. The 700 page study reviews almost 500 pieces of legislation that have been passed in the 66 study countries…These reports also point to one emerging truth. We can act to avoid the worst effects of climate change, but time is running out. Capturing our opportunity to stabilise the climate system, achieve the internationally agreed goal of limiting warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius and safeguard development for future generations requires immediate action by leaders in every country and every sector. Given the complexity of climate science and vastly different geopolitics around the world, no one suite of climate policies is right for everyone. Therefore, instruments that promote sharing experiences, discussing challenges and developing appropriate legislation are exceedingly valuable. GLOBE International provides just such an instrument.”