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The Global Proliferation Status Map

“This [Global Proliferation Status Map] designates countries that have nuclear weapons capabilities. It distinguishes between nuclear-weapon states that have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), those that are not party to the NPT (including North Korea, which has withdrawn), and states with suspected clandestine programs. This last category includes Syria, which is suspected of building an undeclared nuclear reactor that was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in September 2007, and Iran, which was found to be in non-compliance with its IAEA safeguards agreement in September 2005, subsequently referred to the UN Security Council in February 2006, and whose case remains under investigation to date. Both states are signatories of the NPT. The map includes tables indicating world nuclear arsenals as well as chemical, biological, and missile proliferation. This map was originally published in Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats (Carnegie Endowment, 2005), and updated February 2009.”

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