Meredith, Clayton & Frances, Anne & Highland, Amy & Oliver, Leah & Floden, Aaron & Gaddy, L L & Knapp, Wesley & Leaman, Danna & Leopold, Susan & Littlefield, Tara & Raguso, Robert & Schilling, Edward & Schotz, Alfred & Walker, Anna & Wayman, Kjirsten. (2022). The Conservation Status of Trillium in North America.
“This report presents the analysis of 53 plant taxa using two different methodologies. Authors found that habitat loss, overpopulation of white-tailed deer, and habitat disturbance caused by feral pigs are the primary threats to North American Trillium. Many of the imperiled species identified in this analysis are vulnerable to excessive harvest due to their very limited geographic ranges. They also look similar to more common species used in horticultural and herbal medicines. Several species of invasive plants that substantially alter native habitats were also identified as major threats to Trillium species. Conservation of these plants may have important implications for the management of natural areas and trade in herbal medicines. The genus Trillium is made up of about 50 species worldwide with concentrations in eastern and western North America and eastern Asia. The diversity of Trillium in North America warrants special recognition because both the Pacific Northwest and the eastern half of the United States are centers of endemism for the genus1. Identifying the conservation needs of the genus is a high priority given recent taxonomic changes within the family, the number of species with small ranges which could be conserved through relatively minor interventions, and the need for coordinating action between a variety of conservation organizations. Assessment of the conservation status of Trillium is considered here to be a first step in the development of comprehensive conservation action plans for under-conserved members of the genus…”
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