The Application Usage and Risk Report – An Analysis of End User Application Trends in the Enterprise, Fall Edition 2009, Palo Alto Networks: “Social networking, blogging/microblogging, cloud-based productivity and collaborative applications are just a few of the applications that are making the cross over from personal to corporate use as a means of improving productivity. This report shows that the use of these applications is commonplace across a worldwide sample of
more than 200 organizations in a wide range of industries.
Some specific findings from the research include:
- Twitter session use grew more than 250 percent from the Spring 2009 edition of the Application Usage and Risk Report, published in April.
- Facebook use increased 192 percent while Facebook Chat (released in April 2008) was the fourth most commonly detected chat application, ahead of Yahoo! IM and AIM.
- SharePoint collaboration is ubiquitous bandwidth consumed by SharePoint, specifically the documents component, increased 17-fold from the previous report in April.
- Blogging and wiki editing increased by a factor of 39, while total bandwidth consumed increased by a factor of 48.”
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