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The 21st Century Corporation: The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability

News release: Ceres has released the 21st Century Corporation: The Ceres Roadmap to Sustainability as a vision and practical roadmap for integrating sustainability into the DNA of business—from the boardroom to the copy room. It analyzes the drivers, risks and opportunities involved in making the shift to sustainability, and details strategies and results from companies who are taking on these challenges. This Roadmap is designed to provide a comprehensive platform for sustainable business strategy and for accelerating best practices and performance….It calls for significant performance improvements from companies by 2020. Among the report’s 20 key expectations for companies:

  • make energy efficiency and renewable energy the foundation for company operations;
  • design and implement closed-loop systems so that air and wastewater emissions are eliminated and zero waste is produced;
  • require 75 percent of top tier suppliers to meet company sustainability performance standards;
  • dedicate 50 percent of R&D investment to developing sustainability solutions;
  • compensate and provide incentives for top executives and other employees to drive sustainability into the business.”

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