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Tax : Average tax burden on workers’ earnings fell in most OECD countries last year

Taxing Wages provides information on income tax paid by workers and social security contributions levied on employees and their employers in OECD countries. Calculations also include family benefits paid as cash transfers. Data are provided for different income levels and household types. Results include the average and marginal effective tax burden on employees and the total labour costs of employers. A special feature from the current edition looks into “non-tax compulsory payments” as an additional burden on labour income.”

  • This chart allows readers to look at the tax wedge in OECD countries from different angles: “Earnings as a percentage of average earnings in a country (67%, 100% or 167%); Marriage and parental status; Marriage to another wage earner earning 33 or 67% of average country earnings.”
  • David Marcus comment on OECD Factblog: “An alternative way to visualise the data to get a view of all countries’ performance is a heat map.”
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