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Study: Real Branding Implications of Digital Media

Real Branding Implications of Digital Media – an SEM, SEO, & Online Display Advertising Study, iProspect | November 2010

  • “The key finding of this study is that online digital media assets have considerable branding influence, and that specific combinations can significantly impact a brand’s success. In fact, Internet users exposed to mere impressions of organic search results, paid search results, and online display advertising — and all combinations thereof — experience both measureable improvements in their perceptions of those brands, as well as their anticipated interactions with them. In short, this study proves that digital media assets have the power to affect brand equity whether Internet users click on them or not. This finding has huge implications for companies that currently assess the value of their search engine marketing and online display advertising campaigns solely on their ability to produce ROI-based conversions – be they direct sales transactions, sales leads, etc. In fact, this study shows that search marketing and online display can now be viewed as viable branding channels worthy of their fair share of branding budgets, and requiring development of means by which to measure their impact on brand equity.”
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