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Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Quarterly Report to the United States Congress

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, April 30, 2009 – (Public Law 108-106, as amended, and Public Law 95-452)

  • “This quarter marked the sixth anniversary of the U.S. entry into Iraq. Since the March 20, 2003, invasion, the Congress has appropriated $51 billion in foreign aid for relief and reconstruction efforts that have touched every aspect of Iraqi society, from training and equipping its security forces to improving the delivery of essential services. These tens of billions in taxpayer dollars were provided chiefly to four major funds: the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund ($20.86 billion), the Iraq Security Forces Fund ($18.04 billion), the Economic Support Fund ($3.74 billion), and the Commander’s Emergency Response Program ($3.5 billion). As of March 31, 2009, the United States had obligated $42.16 billion and expended $37.89 billion for Iraq reconstruction.”
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