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Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Audits

  • 10-003: Iraq Commander’s Emergency Response Program Generally Managed Well, but Project Documentation and Oversight Can Be Improved, October 27, 2009: “In April 2008, Multi–National Force–Iraq (MNF–I) and the Government of Iraq (GOI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) establishing the Iraq–Commander’s Emergency Response Program (I–CERP). Since then, more than 800 projects have been completed, and approximately $229 million of the initial $270 million allocated for I–CERP has been obligated. Under I–CERP, MNF–I executes GOI funds for reconstruction and other projects for the benefit of Iraqi citizens. The objectives of this report are to examine the extent to which MNF–I met the terms of the MOU with GOI and the extent to which Multi–National Corps–Iraq (MNC–I) has maintained I–CERP project records in accordance with requirements.”
  • 10-002: Data Provided to the Government of Iraq on U.S. Reconstruction Projects Lacked Clarity, October 26, 2009: “This report responds to concerns raised by the President of the Iraq Board of Supreme Audit (BSA) that duplicate project and payment data is being reported in U.S. Government management information systems. While the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) analysis of the system’s data did not identify duplicate projects or payments, the data provided to the Government of Iraq (GOI) was unclear and gave the appearance of duplicate projects and payments. SIGIR’s analysis reinforces the need to maintain clear and accurate data on U.S. Iraq reconstruction projects and illustrates the issues that can arise when unclear data is provided to GOI representatives or other reconstruction project data users.”

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