“Different people need different resources as they try to quit. The information and professional assistance available on this Web site can help to support both your immediate and long-term needs as you become, and remain, a nonsmoker. Smokefree.gov allows you to choose the help that best fits your needs. You can get immediate assistance in the form of:
- A step-by-step quit smoking guide
- Information about a wide range of topics related to smoking and quitting
- An interactive U.S. map highlighting smoking information in your state
- LiveHelp, National Cancer Institute’s instant messaging service
- National Cancer Institute’s telephone quitline, 1-877-44U-QUIT
- Local and state telephone quitlines, 1-800-QUIT-NOW
- Publications to download, print, or order
- SmokefreeTXT is a free mobile service designed for teens and young adults across the United States.”
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