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Sen. Dodd, Banking Committee Demcrats Release Draft of Comprehensive Financial Reform

Follow up to previous postings on the establishment of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, the following new documents released by Sen. Dodd via his press release:

  • Discussion draft “To identify and address risks to the stability of the United States financial system through the establishment of the Agency for Financial Stability, to ensure the orderly resolution of failing complex financial institutions in order to minimize economic turmoil and protect the interest of taxpayers, to provide for effective bank supervision through the establishment of the Financial Institutions Regulatory Administration, to enhance the regulation of consumer financial products and services through the establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, to allow= the Federal government to better coordinate and monitor insurance matters through the establishment of the Office of National Insurance in the Department of Treasury, to improve the regulation of derivatives, securities, securities products, credit rating agencies, and hedge funds, to increase investor protections, and for other purposes.”
  • Summary: Restoring American Financial Stability – Discussion Draft – Create a Sound Economic Foundation to Grow Jobs, Protect Consumers, Rein in Wall Street, End Too Big to Fail, Prevent Another Financial Crisis
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