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Secretary Paulson Remarks on the U.S. Economy and Financial System

“Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. delivered an update today on the economy and the markets at the Fortune 500 Forum in Washington”: “As I have said for some time, the housing correction is at the root of our economic and market difficulties. The most important thing we can do to mitigate foreclosures and progress through the housing correction is to reduce the cost of mortgage finance, so more families can afford to buy a home, and so homeowners can refinance into more affordable mortgages. The actions we have taken to stabilize and strengthen Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and through them to increase the flow of mortgage credit have insulated mortgage rates from the rapid increases and fluctuations in the cost of other credit. But given that we have essentially guaranteed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities, the rates on those securities – and corresponding mortgage rates – have not come down as much as we may have hoped. The Federal Reserve’s announcement that it will purchase $100 billion in GSE debt and half a trillion dollars in GSE mortgage backed securities should have a strongly positive impact on the cost of mortgage finance. And we continue to look for additional ways to make mortgage credit more affordable, which will stimulate purchases, help to stabilize prices and end this housing correction.”

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