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Search everywhere optimization: 7 platforms SEOs need to optimize for beyond Google

Search Engine Land: “It’s “search everywhere optimization.” This means that, as organic search strategists, we must take more ownership to optimize beyond Google. Search is more fractured than ever, so people turn to places beyond Google to find what they need.
My agency has access to a wealth of proprietary and client data and we’re seeing that, as search fractures, it’s tough to maintain and grow organic traffic. But that doesn’t mean SEO is dying, like some people say. It’s evolving and SEOs need to adapt to help maintain overall traffic levels through new ways of thinking and modern practices. Even Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, recently said, “One of the ways to be successful with Google Search is to think beyond it.” Some will argue this isn’t an entirely new concept and they’re right. So, why call this the “new” SEO? This optimization strategy is now a must instead of a bonus or an afterthought. Instead of appearing in the “Additional ideas and opportunities” section of a roadmap or business review, it should now be a central part of an SEO’s strategic planning.
Unlike in my early SEO days (more than a decade ago), when optimizing across social platforms was more focused on sending signals to Google to help boost visibility there, we must now optimize to show up organically within these platforms. They’ve become more like search engines themselves…Here’s an in-depth look at how your audience may use each of our favorite apps and how you should optimize for more substantial visibility:

  1. TikTok
  2. Facebook and Instagram
  3. YouTube
  4. Pinterest
  5. ChatGPT
  6. App Stores
  7. Amazon

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