“EconKids provides teachers, parents, and volunteers with ideas for using children’s literature to introduce economics to children. We review new books from leading publishers and makes selections for “Book of the Month” and “Top Five” categories. Unlike many of the existing websites on economics education, EconKids focuses on younger students in elementary school. Its user-friendly design can help to generate quick teaching ideas that are based on current research in economics and education. WEBSITE FEATURES:
- Top 5 Books By Concept. Instructors can click on an economics concept to get a list of our “Top Five” choices for acclaimed children’s books that use enjoyable stories to teach an economics lesson. The selection of all books is based on objective research criteria and on direct experience in teaching with the books.
- Book of the Month. Some of these books are not to be missed. Check our current and previous picks for “Book of the Month” when looking for excellent book ideas in devising reading strategies and social studies lesson plans.
- New Books. Stay up to date with this link to high-quality, newly-published children’s books with valuable economics lessons. Our original reviews focus on how economics concepts are woven into each book.
- Research. Interested readers can download working papers on economics education directly from the EconKids website. The research papers focus on pedagogical strategies, economics content standards, assessment tools in economics education, and how children learn economics.
- Content Standards. This page contains links to all the states’ content standards in economics.
- Text-to-World Connections. These books can be used to explore “text-to-world” connections in which students relate the ideas from their books to the economic world around them. Examples include the 2006 Nobel Prize winners for Peace and for Economics.
- Helpful Links. Here you will find a short list of organizations with the most useful resources for promoting economic and financial literacy among students of all age.”