U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Inspector General, Office of Audit Services: Special Inquiry Review of Allegations Regarding Hiring and Contracting in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy“We found conflicting evidence regarding complaints that the contract employee improperly performed inherently governmental duties. As with the selection process, we identified factors that contributed to a belief by the complainants and others that the contract employee was effectively functioning as a Federal employee. In particular, our inquiry established that the contract employee was actively involved in the management of the applicable EERE program by participating in high level management meetings where policy and strategic decisions were made; assisting in the development and implementation of policy-oriented program goals; participating actively and intimately in the hiring process for new employees; and, developing performance standards for Federal employees. We placed substantial weight on the fact that the individual was commonly referred to as the “deputy” by the Acting Program Manager, as noted previously. All-in-all, these circumstances gave rise to a belief held by many career EERE employees that the contract employee was performing inherently governmental duties.”
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