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Report: Moral Science – Protecting Participants in Human Subjects Research

Moral Science – Protecting Participants in Human Subjects Research, Presidential Commission, for the Study of Bioethical Issues – December 2011

  • “The Commission collected basic, project-level data about human subjects research, including study title, number and location of sites, number of subjects, and funding information. These data were compiled into the Commission’s “Research Project Database,” and analyzed as part of its Human Subjects Research Landscape Project. Among other things, the Commission learned that the federal government supported more than 55,000 human subjects research projects around the globe in Fiscal Year 2010, mostly in medical and health related research, but also in other fields such as education and engineering. The Commission also learned that many federal departments and agencies have no ready means to identify basic information about the research they support (e.g., location of study sites) or link funding information with study level data.”
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