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"Regardless of Frontiers:" The International Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age

Via CDT, “Regardless of Frontiers:” The International Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age: “The purpose of this report is to explore how the internationally recognized right to freedom of expression should apply to the Internet. This report is intended to spark further research, discussion, and action. The Internet offers individuals around the world the potential to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas in unprecedented ways. Like no medium before it, the Internet can empower citizens to communicate instantaneously with others in their own communities and worldwide, at low cost relative to traditional forms of media. The Internetʼs unique attributes create new opportunities to collaborate, exchange ideas, and promote scientific, cultural, and economic progress. Producers of traditional forms of media also can use the Internet to greatly expand their audiences at nominal cost. Like no other technology, the Internet can transcend national borders and eliminate barriers to the free flow of information. These unique features of the Internet, if properly supported, can foster innovation, economic growth, democratic participation, and human development.”

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