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Recent Reports of Law Schools’ AI Adoption Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

LawSites: “This recent Reuters story caught my attention: “More than half of law schools now offer classes on AI,” it said, citing a new survey conducted by the American Bar Association. Other reports in the news and on LinkedIn sounded a similar takeaway. Indeed, the survey, AI and Legal Education Survey Results 2024, recently released by the ABA’s Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence, found that 55% of the law schools that responded to the survey now offer classes dedicated to teaching students about AI. Even more, the survey said, “an overwhelming majority (83%) reported the availability of curricular opportunities, including clinics, where students can learn how to use AI tools effectively.” But here’s the rub: According to the ABA, there are 197 accredited law schools in the United States. This survey said it was sent to 200 law school deans, so it must have included some unaccredited schools. Of those 200 schools, just 29 replied…”

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