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Project On Government Oversight Contractor Misconduct Database

Press release, July 18, 2007: “POGO announced…that it is releasing an improved and more user-friendly Federal Contractor Misconduct Database (FCMD). For years, POGO has been scouring public sources to compile instances of misconduct involving the top 50 federal contractors to highlight how risky contractors continue to receive taxpayer funds. The new database, which covers instances of misconduct from 1995 to the present, includes the source documents for each instance, drawing primarily from government documents. While the database is not exhaustive, POGO hopes that contracting officials will use it as a resource when awarding contracts to assure that taxpayer dollars are only being directed to responsible contractors.”

  • House Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement Committee on Oversight and Government Reform – Federal Contracting: Why Do Risky Contractors Keep Getting Rewarded With Taxpayer Dollars? July 18, 2007 [Link to witness statments] – “This hearing will review flaws in federal contracting that allow contractors with poor performance records to either renew existing contracts or receive subsequent contracts with the same or different federal agencies. Although procurement rules require that past performance of contractors be weighed in the selection process, many companies that have experienced serious, documented cost overruns and quality control problems on federal contracts continue to receive new work.”
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