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Potomac Conservancy Report: State of the Nation's River 2010

“In this report, State of the Nation’s River 2010, Potomac Conservancy highlights the value of our natural and working landscapes, as well as the pressures facing both from man-made causes, primarily development. This report makes the case for placing a high value on forested lands, and also appropriately scaled and well-managed farms, by recognizing the value of such lands when compared to developed or built environments. We highlight the importance of rural lands in this developing watershed, and discuss the stressors that are currently affecting the health of lands and waters in the Potomac region. The potential for significant pollution from agricultural lands does not diminish the cultural and economic importance of farming. Pollution from nutrients, disease-causing organisms such as E. coli and carcinogens and mutagens such as endocrine disrupting compounds from antibiotics, herbicides, and pesticides can be lessened with adherence to best management practices. Thoughtful land use practices, such as strategic green infrastructure plans, will address many of the problems in the watershed. Collectively, county-level planning efforts can build to a network of forests, farms, and natural areas that will sustain the health and ecosystem functions of the Potomac River region as a whole.”

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