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PBS Frontline Releases Bradley Manning's Facebook Page

Via PBS FRONTLINE: “WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has become internationally recognized since the publication last year of thousands of secret U.S. documents. But Bradley Manning, the Army private alleged to have provided the documents, remains largely a mystery. Who is Bradley Manning? How did he come into contact with a trove of secrets and, allegedly, with WikiLeaks? And what might have motivated the largest leak of classified information in American history? Investigating those questions for the film WikiSecrets, FRONTLINE sought to understand Manning through extensive interviews with his father, friends and others he confided in during the months before his arrest. FRONTLINE also obtained access to Manning’s Facebook account…The following presentation is an edited version of Manning’s wall, annotated by FRONTLINE, beginning when he opened the account in July 2007 and concluding in June 2010 [edited and redacted]. It includes only posts authored by Manning (with the exception of the first, from his aunt) — status updates, articles, pictures and “likes” — and the responses of his Facebook friends.”

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