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Search Results for: stress test

Federal Reserve Board announces the formation of the Model Validation Council

News release: “The Federal Reserve Board announced the formation of the Model Validation Council, which will provide the Federal Reserve with expert and independent advice on its process to rigorously assess the models used in stress tests of banking institutions…Formation of the council is one part of the Federal Reserve’s efforts to tap outside expertise… Continue Reading

Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke on fostering financial stability

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, April 9, 2012: “…An important example of our strengthened, cross-firm supervisory approach is the recently completed second annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). In the CCAR, the Federal Reserve assessed the internal capital planning processes of the 19 largest bank holding companies and evaluated their capital adequacy under a very… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board issues final rule on annual capital plans, launches 2012 review

News release: “The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday issued a final rule requiring top-tier U.S. bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more to submit annual capital plans for review. Also, the Federal Reserve launched the 2012 review, issuing instructions to the firms, including the macroeconomic and financial market scenarios the… Continue Reading

Agencies issue guidance on counterparty credit risk management

News release: “The federal bank regulatory agencies today issued guidance to help ensure banking organizations practice effective counterparty credit risk (CCR) management. The guidance, issued by the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision, builds on existing supervisory guidance and… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Defense Infrastructure, Export Promotion, Fusion Centers, Student Loans, TARP

Defense Infrastructure: Department of Defense’s Energy Supplemental Report, GAO-10-988R, September 29, 2010 Department of Defense: Financial Management Improvement and Audit Readiness Efforts Continue to Evolve, GAO-10-1059T, September 29, 2010 Export Promotion: Observations on the Export-Import Bank’s Efforts to Achieve U.S. Policy Goals, GAO-10-1069T, September 29, 2010 Information Sharing: Federal Agencies Are Helping Fusion Centers Build… Continue Reading

Federal Banking Agencies Issue Policy Statement on Funding and Liquidity Risk Management

News release: “The federal banking agencies, in conjunction with the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), released a policy statement today on their expectations for sound funding and liquidity risk management practices. This policy statement, adopted by each of the agencies, summarizes the principles of sound liquidity risk management issued previously and, when appropriate, supplements… Continue Reading

Financial Regulators Issue Interest Rate Risk Advisory

News release: “The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) released an advisory today reminding institutions of supervisory expectations for sound practices to manage interest rate risk (IRR). This advisory, adopted by each of the financial regulators [1], reiterates the importance of effective corporate governance, policies and procedures, risk measuring and monitoring systems, stress testing, and… Continue Reading

G-20 Communiqué

Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, London, 4-5 September 2009, “We must build on what we have already achieved and tackle the significant challenges that lie ahead. It is vital for growth that we act to support lending, including dealing with impaired assets and conducting robust stress tests where necessary. We must promote… Continue Reading

Congressional Oversight Panel – August Oversight Report – The Continued Rise of Troubled Assets

Congressional Oversight Panel, August 11, 2009 – Submitted under Section 125(b)(1) of Title 1 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-343. August Oversight Report – The Continued Rise of Troubled Assets. “Given the ongoing uncertainty, vigilance is essential. If conditions exceed those in the worst case scenario of the recent… Continue Reading

New survey identifies top risks facing microfinance industry

CSFI – Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation: “The resilience of the global microfinance industry will be put to the test by the economic crisis, according to a new survey of the risks to the business, Microfinance Banana Skins 2009, by David Lascelles and Sam Mendelson. Far from being insulated from the economic mainstream… Continue Reading