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Search Results for: stress test

GAO Reports – Air Traffic Control, Financial Audits of Federal Reserve, CFPB, FHFA, SEC, Preventing llicit Drug Use

Air Traffic Control: Experts’ and Stakeholders’ Views on Key Issues to Consider in a Potential Restructuring, GAO-17-131: Published: Oct 13, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 15, 2016. Corporate Shareholder Meetings: Proxy Advisory Firms’ Role in Voting and Corporate Governance Practices, GAO-17-47: Published: Nov 15, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 15, 2016. Federal Reserve: Additional Actions Could Help… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve releases results of Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)

“The Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday (June 29, 2016) announced it has not objected to the capital plans of 30 bank holding companies participating in the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). The Board objected to two firms’ plans. One other firm’s plan was not objected to, but the firm is being required to address… Continue Reading

CRS – Federal Reserve: Legislation in the 114th Congress

Federal Reserve: Legislation in the 114th Congress, Marc Labonte, Specialist in Macroeconomic Policy. May 19, 2016. “The Federal Reserve (Fed) is the subject of legislation being considered in the 114th Congress. These bills contain wide-ranging provisions that can be grouped into four broad categories: Changes to Fed governance. Some proposals would change the Fed’s institutional… Continue Reading

The Role of the Federal Reserve – Lessons from Financial Crises

The Role of the Federal Reserve—Lessons from Financial Crises – March 31, 2016 – William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer – Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Association of Economists, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia As prepared for delivery: “…The crisis showed that the regulatory community did not fully grasp the… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board releases supervisory scenarios for 2016 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

“The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday, January 28, 2016 released the supervisory scenarios for the 2016 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) and Dodd-Frank Act stress test exercises and also issued instructions to firms participating in CCAR. This year, CCAR will include 33 bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets.… Continue Reading

Guidelines for identifying and dealing with weak banks

Bank for International Settlements: “The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today published the final Guidelines for identifying and dealing with weak banks. Weak banks are a worldwide phenomenon. They pose a continuing challenge for bank supervisors and resolution authorities in all countries, regardless of the political structure, financial system and level of economic and technical… Continue Reading

SIGTARP – Treasury Significantly Loosened Exe Pay Limits – Excessive Pay for Top 25 Employees at GM and Ally

Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), Report Number 14-001, September 24, 2014.  Treasury Significantly Loosened Executive Pay Limits Resulting in Excessive Pay for Top 25 Employees at GM and Ally (GMAC)  When the Companies Were Not Repaying TARP in Full and Taxpayers Were Suffering Billions of Dollars in Losses. “Overall, SIGTARP found… Continue Reading

A sound capital planning process: fundamental elements

“The Basel Committee has issued these sound practices to foster overall improvement in banks’ capital planning practices. Indeed, an important lesson from the financial crisis concerned the need for banks to improve and strengthen their capital planning. Some of the observed weaknesses reflected processes that were not sufficiently comprehensive, appropriately forward-looking or adequately formalised. As a consequence,… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board issues interim final rules clarifying how companies should incorporate Basel III reforms into capital and business projections

News release: “The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday issued two interim final rules that clarify how companies should incorporate the Basel III regulatory capital reforms into their capital and business projections during the next cycle of capital plan submissions and stress tests. Rules to implement the Basel III capital reforms in the United States were… Continue Reading

Speech by Speech by Governor Tarullo on evaluating progress in regulatory reforms to promote financial stability

Governor Daniel K. Tarullo At the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., May 3, 2013. Evaluating Progress in Regulatory Reforms to Promote Financial Stability “Despite this considerable progress, we have not yet adequately addressed all the vulnerabilities that developed in our financial system in the decades preceding the crisis. Most importantly, relatively little has… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve announces results of Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

News release: “The Federal Reserve on Thursday announced it has approved the capital plans of 14 financial institutions in the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). Two other institutions received conditional approval, while the Federal Reserve objected to the plans of two firms. Strong capital levels help ensure that banking organizations have the ability to… Continue Reading

FDIC Supervisory Insights, Summer 2012

Supervisory Insights, Summer 2012: “Supervisory Insights is published by the FDIC’s Division of Risk Management Supervision to promote sound principles and best practices for bank supervision. Articles in the Summer 2012 issue include: The Risk Management Examination and Your Community Bank Stress Testing Credit Risk at Community Banks Results from the FDIC’s Credit and Consumer… Continue Reading