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Search Results for: poverty

Report – Addressing Poverty and Homelessness in the United States

No Place Like Home Addressing Poverty and Homelessness in the United States, by Tracey Ross | December 5, 2013 “While owning a home is the cornerstone of the American Dream, growing income inequality, coupled with an affordable housing crisis, makes maintaining stable housing a challenge for millions of Americans. In his book, Making Room: The Economics of Homelessness, Columbia University Professor… Continue Reading

CRS – Poverty in the United States: 2012

Poverty in the United States: 2012  – Thomas Gabe , Specialist in Social Policy. November 13, 2013 “In 2012, the U.S. poverty rate was 15.0%—46.5 million persons were estimated as having income below the official poverty line. Neither the poverty rate nor the number of persons counted as poor in 2012 differed statistically from 2011 or 2010. In… Continue Reading

Supplemental Measure of Poverty Remains Unchanged

Census news release: “The nation’s poverty rate was 16.0 percent in 2012, unchanged from 2011, according to the supplemental poverty measure released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. The 2012 rate was higher than the official measure of 15.0 percent. The official poverty rate in 2012 was also not significantly different from the corresponding rate… Continue Reading

New Study Finds Cash Alone Effective Way to Fight Poverty

“Researchers today released the results of a long-awaited study, which may reveal a promising new direction in alleviating poverty, one much simpler than many popular aid methods. While traditional charities and aid programs often have infrastructures designed to deliver specific types of aid to the poor, such as food or livestock, the researchers studied a… Continue Reading

London’s Poverty Profile 2013

London’s Poverty Profile – The Trust for London and the New Policy Institute – Hannah Aldridge, Sabrina Bushe, Peter Kenway, Tom MacInnes and Adam Tinson. “London’s Poverty Profile looks at the extent and depth of poverty and inequality in London. It is an independent report that presents evidence from official government data sources. The scope… Continue Reading

Asset Poverty and the Importance of Emergency Savings

Asset Poverty and the Importance of Emergency Savings, by Caroline Ratcliffe, Urban Institute, October 1, 2013 “What percent of families are asset poor—lack sufficient resources to live at the poverty line for three months —and why does asset poverty matter? A third of U.S. families are liquid asset poor and these families are disproportionately minority, young,… Continue Reading

Insecure & Unequal: Poverty Among Women and Families 2000-2012

“This report, Insecure & Unequal: Poverty Among Women and Families 2000-2012, provides a gender analysis of national and state poverty and income data for 2012, released by the Census Bureau in September 2013. The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) supplies this analysis, as it has for several years, because little information broken out by gender is… Continue Reading

New Census Data Underscore Metro Poverty’s Persistence in 2012

Brookings – Elizabeth Kneebone and Jane Williams – “The release of the 2012 American Community Survey (ACS) census data on poverty and income underscores the effects of a sluggish recovery that has played out unevenly across the nation’s major metropolitan economies and, even amid improving employment numbers, has left millions of Americans behind. Using ACS data on individuals living… Continue Reading

Income, Poverty, Health Insurance Statistics for States and Local Areas

“Income levels and poverty rates were not statistically different for most states and metro areas from 2011 to 2012, according to statistics released today from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Incomes remained lower and poverty rates were higher in 2012 than in 2007, the year before the recession. The percentage of people without… Continue Reading

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2012

“This report presents data on income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States based on information collected in the 2013 and earlier Current Population  Survey Annual Social and Economic  Supplements (CPS ASEC) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Summary of findings: Real median household income in 2012 was not statistically different from the 2011… Continue Reading