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Search Results for: stress test and bizjournals – 2010 Stress Rankings for Metro Areas

News release: “A Stress Test for America, by G. Scott Thomas Sep 07 2010: “In an exclusive analysis of the nation’s 50 largest metropolitan areas, Detroit ranks as the most stressful place to live and work, while Salt Lake City lays claim to have the least stress-inducing attributes.”’s survey: Stress Levels in America’s 50… Continue Reading

FTC Budget Testimony Highlights Efforts to Protect Consumers, Promote Competition During Economic Downturn

News release: “In testimony before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations, the Federal Trade Commission today described the agency’s continuing work to promote competition and protect American consumers, including initiatives to stop fraud targeting financially distressed consumers, protect privacy, and prevent anticompetitive practices such as “pay-for-delay”… Continue Reading

FTC Testifies About Crackdown on Scams Tied to the Economic Downturn

News release: “The Federal Trade Commission testified before the U.S. Senate today on the agency’s campaign to crack down on scammers who are trying to take advantage of the economic downturn to push a variety of scams, such as phony job-placement and debt-reduction services, get-rich-quick schemes, and bogus government grants…In response to the rise in… Continue Reading

Biden Urges Regulators to Reverse Trump Weakening of Safeguards and Supervision for Large Regional Banks

FACT SHEET: “President Biden Urges Regulators to Reverse Trump Administration Weakening of Common-Sense Safeguards and Supervision for Large Regional Banks…As the President said when his administration announced actions to stabilize the banking system, he is committed to “continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again.”… Continue Reading

The Federal Reserve is starting a climate experiment

Vox: “The central bank is studying climate risks at major banks, but Fed chair Jerome Powell doesn’t want to get involved in policy…How to run a climate experiment on a bank – The Fed is careful to note that its climate scenario analysis is different from a stress test. In Fed-speak, a stress test measures… Continue Reading

The Sustainable Finance Policy Tracker

OMFIF Sustainable Policy Institute: “The Sustainable Finance Policy Tracker provides a comprehensive overview of different countries’ approaches to mitigating climate risks in the financial sector. Covering 23 countries and jurisdictions, the tracker presents information on 14 sustainable policy subjects that include regulatory and supervisory measures, climate stress testing activity, net zero strategies, green bond issuance… Continue Reading

New study shows that drought could shut down the biggest US Hydro Plants in the next few years

“According to newly-released projections from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamations, there’s a significant chance that both Lake Powell and Lake Mead — the largest hydroelectric power sources in the country — will stop working in the next few years.”  “Five-year projections of future conditions, currently through 2026, in the Colorado River system are typically updated… Continue Reading

5 Pandemic Mistakes We Keep Repeating. We can learn from our failures.

The Atlantic – “…Five key fallacies and pitfalls have affected public-health messaging, as well as media coverage, and have played an outsize role in derailing an effective pandemic response. These problems were deepened by the ways that we—the public—developed to cope with a dreadful situation under great uncertainty. And now, even as vaccines offer brilliant… Continue Reading

The fight against fake news and electoral disinformation

Oxford University Press Blog: “Just as COVID-19 is a stress test of every nation’s health system, an election process is a stress test of a nation’s information and communication system. A week away from the US presidential election, the symptoms are not so promising. News reports about the spread of so-called “fake news,” disinformation, and conspiracy theories… Continue Reading

Tracking How Governments Are Providing Financial Regulatory Relief

April 22, 2020: by Aidan Lawson and Greg Feldberg – “The Yale Program on Financial Stability has produced and will continue to update a spreadsheet to assist those contemplating programs to provide operational regulatory relief to financial institutions. The spreadsheet catalogs historical examples, identifies interesting features, summarizes existing evaluations of programs, and shares general resources… Continue Reading

EU At a Glance – Financial Supervision and Regulation in the US

AT A GLANCE Requested by the ECON committee Study in focus Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Author: S. HONNEFELDER, P. DELGADO CUBILLO PE 631.031 – January 2019 EN Financial Supervision and Regulation in the US – “In response to the financial crisis of 2008 and the… Continue Reading

Bank Systemic Risk Regulation: The $50 Billion Threshold in the Dodd-Frank Act

Bank Systemic Risk Regulation: The $50 Billion Threshold in the Dodd-Frank Act, December 6, 2017. The 2007-2009 financial crisis highlighted the problem of “too big to fail” financial institutions—the concept that the failure of a large financial firmc ould trigger financial instability, which in several cases prompted extraordinary federal assistance to prevent their failure. This… Continue Reading