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Search Results for: metadata

Paper – The Massive Metadata Machine

The Massive Metadata Machine: Liberty, Power, and Secret Mass Surveillance in the U.S. and Europe, Bryce Clayton Newell, University of Washington – The Information School, October 11, 2013. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society (ISJLP), 10, 2014 “This paper explores the relationship between liberty and security implicated by secret government… Continue Reading

Declassified FISA Court Opinion Released – Addresses Legality of Phone Metadata Collection

Ellen Nakashima – Washington Post: “A federal surveillance court on Tuesday released a declassified opinion upholding the constitutionality of the National Security Agency’s sweeping collection of billions of Americans’ phone records for counterterrorism purposes. The gathering of “all call detail records” from phone companies is justified as long as the government can show that it… Continue Reading

International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2013

PDFs for papers, posters, special sessions, tutorials and workshops Metadata principles, guidelines, and best practices Metadata quality (methods, tools, and practices) Conceptual models and frameworks (e.g., RDF, DCAM, OAIS) Application profiles Metadata generation (methods, tools, and practices) Metadata interoperability across domains, languages, time, structures, and scales Cross-domain metadata uses (e.g., recordkeeping, preservation, curation, institutional repositories,… Continue Reading

Evaluation of Header Metadata Extraction Approaches and Tools for Scientific PDF Documents

Evaluation of Header Metadata Extraction Approaches and. Tools for Scientific PDF Documents, Mario Lipinski, Kevin Yao, Corinna Breitinger, Joeran Beel, Bela Gipp, July 2013. “This paper evaluates the performance of tools for the extraction of metadata from scientific articles. Accurate metadata extraction is an important task for automating the management of digital libraries. This comparative… Continue Reading

UK Guardian guide to your metadata

“Metadata is information generated as you use technology, and its use has been the subject of controversy since NSA’s secret surveillance program was revealed. Examples include the date and time you called somebody or the location from which you last accessed your email. The data collected generally does not contain personal or content-specific details, but… Continue Reading

DOJ/Obama Administration White Paper on Bulk Collection of Metadata Telephony

WSJ – Obama Proposes Surveillance-Policy Overhaul – President Plans Changes to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Transcript of President Obama’s press conference on surveillance, August 9, 2013 Background on the President’s Statement on Reforms to NSA Programs, August 9 2013 Huffington Post – Obama Proposes FISA Reforms Amid Growing Concerns Over NSA Surveillance DOJ/Obama Administration White Paper on… Continue Reading

DNI Clapper Declassifies and Releases Telephone Metadata Collection Documents

“In the interest of increased transparency, the Director of National Intelligence has authorized the declassification and public release of the attached documents pertaining to the collection of telephone metadata pursuant to Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. DNI Clapper has determined that the release of these documents is in the public interest.” Cover Letter and… Continue Reading

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Renews Authority to Collect Telephony Metadata

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Renews Authority to Collect Telephony Metadata – July 19, 2013 “As indicated by a previously classified court order disclosed by the media on June 5, 2013, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorization requiring the production of certain telephony metadata under the “business records” provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),… Continue Reading

New Preservation Metadata

“OCLC Research Scientist Brian Lavoie and Richard Gartner from King’s College London co-authored this second edition of Preservation Metadata, which focuses on new developments in preservation metadata made possible by the emergence of PREMIS as a de facto international standard. The complete report is available from the Digital Preservation Coalition website – it will be of interest… Continue Reading

Commentary – Calling It ‘Metadata’ Doesn’t Make Surveillance Less Intrusive

By Geoff Nunberg:  “Metadata” was bound to break out sooner or later, riding the wave of “data” in all its forms and combinations. “Big data” and “data mining” are the reigning tech buzzwords these days, and university faculties are scrambling to meet the surge in demand for courses in the hot new field of data… Continue Reading

UK Guardian identifies leak of NSA Surveillance memo, EPIC cites Presidential Policy Directive 20, Atlantic highlights use of metadata

Follow up to previous postings: UK Guardian – Verizon forced to hand over telephone data – full court ruling;  EPIC: Sweeping NSA Domestic Surveillance Order Approved Without Any Ties to Foreign Intelligence Collection and EPIC – Congress Begins Investigation of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program see: Via EPIC: “Presidential Policy Directive 20 orders the creation of… Continue Reading